Historically, BI Systems have lacked Financial Report Writers. But that’s not the case anymore. Visual Planner’s Financial Report Writer allows users to create comprehensive reports, including: Power BI Financial Reports; Power BI Profit & Loss Statements; Power BI Cash Flow Statements; and Power BI Balance Sheets.

Flexible Control

You can create report elements based on 4 key pieces, then reuse and share them to create consistency across your reporting.

  • Rows: Define lines and calculations. Take advantage of advanced DAX Formulas or client side calculations
  • Columns: Define QTD, YTD, Monthly, Budget vs Actual, and Forecast for the remainder of the year. All calculations easily user-defined.
  • Reports: Reuse Row and Columns for unlimited and consistent reports.
  • Style: Leverage robust formatting available in Excel and Power BI. It’s almost limitless, and you already know it. Formatting stays intact so you don’t have to reformat every time you update a report.

Save Time and Be Consistent

  • Copy and reuse Row and Column Definitions for quick new report design.
  • Leverage robust formatting in Excel and Power BI. It’s almost limitless, and you already know it.
  • Save time and avoid reformatting: Colors, underlines, conditional formatting; it all stays intact.
  • Spend less time formatting and more time on analysis and business improvement!

Power ON – Supercharge Power BI

Combine Business Intelligence and Business Performance Management with Power BI.

Visual Planner

Unified write-back for Power BI. Edit data in a Dashboard, Report or App, observe the visualisation updates, and save any changes back to the underlying data repository. 

Power Planner

Power Planner enables organisations to combine Business Intelligence with Corporate Performance Management.

Financial Report Writer

Historically, BI Systems have lacked Financial Report Writers. No more. Visual Planner’s Financial Report Writer allows users to create comprehensive reports.

Power Update

By equipping your Power BI with Power Update, you can rely on having current data. Power Update automates refreshing Excel and Power BI Desktop workbooks.