Power BI Embedded Updates & The Playground

Microsoft recently announced they are updating both the Power BI embedded sample site as well as adding a whole bunch of new Power BI Embedded features. Here’s our round-up of the key new features from the 2018 build conference. 

To start the old Samples site has been renamed to the Power BI Embedded Playground and has had a small facelift. The main news though focusing on new features and functionality added to Power BI Embedded.

Along with the existing options of embedding reports, dashboards and tiles we can now embed report visuals and Q&A. The Q&A functionally being particularly powerful. Some new features have also been added into embedded reports such as extended content menus, bookmarks, some new filter options and some new data export features. A new mobiles layout type has also been added which can now be previewed on the Playground.

If you’ve not had a look at the Playground site before it provides you with a live demo area to play with the Power BI JavaScript API functionality for embedding content into your own applications. Try for yourself and check out the some of the new features.  

Power BI Embedded Playground – https://microsoft.github.io/PowerBI-JavaScript/demo/v2-demo/index.html

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